Open Seminar
Hiroki Takahashi (Keio Univ.)
Fractal dimension counterpart of Szemeredi's theorem in the continued fraction
Dong Han Kim (Dongguk Univ.)
Uniform Diophantine approximation on the Hecke group H4
Yan-Li Xu (Central China Normal Univ.)
Optimal triangles with badly approximable angles
Hajime Kaneko (Univ. Tsukuba)
Uniformity of fractional parts and Borel hierarchy
Didier Lesesvre (Univ Lille)
The smooth Weyl law with uniform power savings
Yoshinori Takei (Nippon Sport Science University)
An isomorphism between the
tree generated by inverse Sós permutation based on congruencial
recurrence and the Farey tree
Emily R. Korfanty (University of Alberta, Canada)
Circles in diffraction
Makoto Nagata (Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University)
A congruential recurrence and inverse Sós permutation
Masamichi Yoshida (Osaka Metropolitan Univ)
Signed expansion by cubic Pisot units
Hiroki Takahashi (Keio Univ)
The distribution of the largest digit for iterated function systems of the
Shintaro Suzuki (Tokyo Gakugai Univ.)
Dimension spectrum of digit frequency sets for beta-expansions
William Mance (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Borel complexity of sets of normal numbers via generic points in
subshifts with specification
Xiang Gao (Hubei University)
On an Erdős similarity problem in the large
Tetsuro Kamae (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
Some word problems
Hajime Kaneko (Univ Tsukuba)
Markoff Lagrange Spectrum for one-sided shift space
Dong Han Kim (Dongguk University, Korea)
On the repetition of low complexity word and the expansion of real numbers in integer bases
Nathaniel Nollen (University of the Philippines - Diliman)
Quaternion Expansions
Kota Saito (Univ Tsukuba)
The simple normality of the fractional powers of two and the Riemann zeta function
Hiroki Takahashi (Keio Univ)
High complexity ergodic optimization for the Dyck-Motzkin shifts
Masato Kobayashi (Kanagawa Univ)
Differential equation of Eisenstein Series of level two
Shota Inoue (Kanagawa Univ)
Probabilistic dependence of Dirichlet L functions
Fumichika Takamizo (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
Finite beta-expansions of natural numbers
Masamichi Yoshida, Fumichika Takamizo (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
Signed expansion of integers based on a Cubic Pisot unit
Yasuhi Nagai (Shinshu Univ.)
Lengths of arithmetic progressions in some sequences defined via substitutions
Seul Bee LEE (Center for Geometry and Physics, Institute for Basic Science, Korea)
Approximations with mod 2 congruence conditions
Fumihiko Nakano (Tohoku Univ.)
Lift of Temperley-Lieb operator and Razumov-Stroganov conjecture
Ade Irma Suriajaya (Kyushu Univ.)
Average cardinarity estimate of Goldbach representations
and zeros of Riemann zeta function
Shunsuke Usuki (Kyoto Univ.)
Lower bound of number of integers which appear in Littlewood conjecture
Kanji Inui (Keio Univ.)
Non-autonomous iterated function systems and fractals
Junghun Lee (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
Hyperbolicity and J-stability in Non-archimedean Dynamics
Koichi Kawada (Iwate Univ.)
On Kaprekar numbers
Shin'ichi Yasutomi (Toho Univ.)
Billiards in a circle with trajectories circumscribing a triangle
Kota Saito (Nagoya Univ))
Topological properties and algebraic independence of sets of prime-representing constants
Ken-ichiro Yamamoto (Nagaoka University of Technology)
Density of periodic measures and large deviation principle for generalized (α,β)-transformations
Ryoko Tomiyasu (Kyushu Univ IMI )
How to generate plant-derived aperiodic packing ?
Yoshio Sano (Univ. Tsukuba)
Matroid for posets and efficient optimization algorithms
Hiroki Takahasi (Keio Univ.)
Hausdorff dimension of sets with restricted, slowly growing partial quotients
Kim Dong Han (Dongguk Univ. Korea)
The Markoff and Lagrange spectra on the unit circle
Hideki Tsuiki (Kyoto Univ.)
Projection of Sierpinski tetrahedron and related fractals
Asaki Saito (Future Univ. Hakodate)
Critical curves of a piecewise linear map
Yasushi Nagai (Open Univ. UK)
The absence of the absolutely continuous diffraction spectra for certain S-adic tilings
Shin'ichi Yasutomi (Toho Univ.) Ergodicity of p-adic higher dimensional continued fraction algorithms
Yuki Takahashi (Tohoku Univ. AIMR)
Sums and products of Cantor sets and two-dimensional quasicrystal models
Mao Shinoda (Kyoto Univ.)
Intrinsic ergodicity for factors of (-beta)-shift
16:40-17:20 Pieter Allaart (University of North Texas)
On univoque and strongly univoque sets
17:30-18:10 Kiko Kawamura (University of North Texas)
Revolving Fractals
Arnaldo Nogueira (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille)
Rotation number of contracted rotations
Pierre Arnoux (Univ. AiX-Marseille)
The Rauzy gasket : known facts, conjectures and recent developments.
Davit Karagulyan (Kyushu Univ. JSPS)
On the Möbius disjointness conjecture and a class of interval exchange maps.
Dong Han Kim (Dongguk University)
The Lagrange and Markov Spectra of Pythagorean triples
Masamichi Yoshida (Osaka City Univ.)
Odometer representation of irrational rotation
Yann Bugeaud (Univ. Strasbourg)
Around the Littlewood conjecture in Diophantine approximation
Yoshikazu Yamagishi (Ryukoku Univ.)
Disk packing on the logarithmic spiral lattice
Isao Kiuchi (Yamaguchi Univ.)
On Ranamujan Sum.
Dong-Han Kim (Dongguk Univ.)
A new complexity function of repetition and irrationality exponents.
Koji Nuida (AIST/JST)
Polynomial expression of addition and multiplication.
Brigitte Vallée (Univ. Caen)
A probabilistic study for the recurrence function of sturmian words.
Yuichi Kamiya (Daito Bunka Univ.)
On power sums for the coding system related to the regular paperfolding sequence.
Takao Komatsu (Wuhan Univ.)
q-multiparameter-Bernoulli polynomials and q-multiparameter-Cauchy polynomials by Jackson's integrals
Tomohiro Ooto (Univ.Tsukuba)
Quadratic approximation in Fq((T -1))
Ryoko Tomiyasu (KEK)
Application of C-type lattice reduction theory to the determination problem of 3-dim lattices
from length spectra.
Bo Tan (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology)
The graph of continuous function and packing dimension.
Yu Yasufuku (Nihon Univ.)
Coordinate growth of points in an orbit.
13/7/2013 Sat. 10:00-10:50
Chih-Hung Chang (Feng Chia Univ.)
Multi-layer Cellular Neural Networks: Deep and Shallow Architectures.
13/7/2013 Sat. 11:00-11:50
Chuan-Sheng Wei (Feng Chia Univ.)
Multiple Zeta Values : Evaluations and Relations.
Kentaro Nakaishi
Pisot conjecture and Rauzy fractals
Ma. Louise Antonette N. De Las Peñas(Ateneo De Manila University Philippines)
Color Symmetries Associated with Non-Periodic Structures
Koichiro Akiyama (Toshiba Corp.)
A Public-key Cryptosystem based on the Diophantine Problems on Fp[t].
14:00-14:40 Attila Pethő (Debrecen Univ.)
On the number of some classes of polynomials.
14:45-15:25 Yusuke Suzuki (Niigata Univ.)
Y-Rotations in k-minimal projective-planar quadrangulations.
15:30-16:10 Florian Luca(UNAM)
Diophantine equations with generalized Fibonacci numbers.
16:15-16:55 Shigeki Akiyama (Niigata Univ.)
On the aperiodicity of Ammann tiles.
15:00-15:50 Benoît Loridant (FWF Project researcher)
Boundary parametrization of a class of Rauzy fractals.
15:00-16:00 S. D. Adhikari (Harish-Chandra Inst.)
Two problems related to integer lattice points in the plane.
15:30-17:00 Tetsuro Kamae (Osaka City U. Alumni)
Behavior of various complexity functions.
15:00-15:50 Yuichi Kamiya (Daito Bunka U.)
Relations among arithmetical functions, automatic sequences,
and sum of digits function associated with certain Gray codes
(joint work with Leo Murata)
16:00-17:00 Robert Tichy (Graz Tech. Univ.)
Digital expansions: Arithmetics and Dynamics
14:00-14:50 Makoto Minamida(Nagoya U.)
An analogue of the Voronoi formula
15:00-15:50 Edmund Harriss (Univ. Leister)
Tilings, Puzzles and the limits of mathematics
Paulius Drungilas (Vilnius Univ.)
Multiplicative independence of quadratic units
Shigeki Akiyama
Self-similar dissection puzzle
Yoshio Tanigawa (Nagoya U.)
Modular forms and the Clausen-type identities.
Hajime Kaneko(Kyoto U.)
On the binary expansions of algebraic numbers
Nobuhiro Terai (Ashikaga Inst. Tech.)
Integer points and independent points on the elliptic curve
y = x3 - pkx (joint work with Y. Fujita).
Kálmán Győry (Debrecen Univ.)
On certain arithmetic graphs and their applications to
diophantine problems.
Attila Pethő (Debrecen Univ.)
On a family of collision-free functions.
Benoît Loridant (Niigata Univ. JSPS)
Boundary parametrization of canonical number system tiles.
Takao Komatsu (Hirosaki U.)
Attila Bérczes (Debrecen Univ.)
Effective results on certain subvarieties of tori
Jun Luo (San Yat Sen U., Gangzhou)
Tangram Puzzle Shape & 2D tilings.
Tetsuro Kamae(Matsuyama U.)
Problems related to the uniform sets.
Akos Pinter (Debrecen Univ.),
Combinatorial geometry, diophantine equations and modular forms
Shuichi Hayashida(Seigen U.:Germany)
Introduction to number theory and automorphic forms
This list may not be complete.