Some results on Ricci mean curvature flows
Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis
Tsukuba University -
An epsilon regularity theorem for line bundle mean curvature flow
BIMSA-BIT Differential Geometry Seminar
Online -
Introduction of special connections on manifolds with special holonomy and its volume (in Japanese)
Tohoku University Geometry Seminar
Tohoku University -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness (in Japanese)
Differential Equations on Manifolds
Hybrid -
Solvability of a semilinear heat equation on Riemanninan manifolds (in Japanese)
New developments in submanifold theory and geometric analysis
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness (in Japanese)
Tokyo Institute of Technology Geometry Seminar
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness (in Japanese)
Submanifold Geometry and Lie Group Actions 2021
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness
The 13th MSJ-SI Differential Geometry and integrable System
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness (in Japanese)
Fukuoka University Differential Geometry Seminar
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness
The 6th China-Japan Geometry Conference
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness
NCTS Differential Geometry Seminar
Online -
An Example of the Noncompact Yamabe Flow having the Infinitetime Incompleteness
The 3rd Japan-Taiwan Joint Conference on Differential Geometry
Online -
An example of the noncompact Yamabe flow having the infinite-time incompleteness (in Japanese)
Kyoto Differential Topology Seminar
Online -
Basics and recent studies on deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections (in Japanese)
Tsukuba Differential Geometry Seminar
Online -
Moduli space of deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections (in Japanese)
Submanifold Geometry and Lie Group Actions 2020
Online -
Part 1: An introduction to the deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills (dHYM) connections. Part 2: Line bundle mean curvature flows and the moduli space of dHYM connections
Submanifolds of Symmetric Spaces and Thier Time Evolutions
Online -
Special Lagrangian submanifolds, mean curvature flows and its mirror (in Japanese)
MSJ Annual Meeting (special lecture)
Kumamoto University (Online) -
Special Lagrangian submanifolds, mean curvature flows and their mirrors (in Japanese)
Award lecture of OCAMI Association Special Prize
Osaka City University -
The moduli space of deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections
Complex Geometry Seminar of Yau Mathematical Science Center
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China -
An epsilon regularity theorem for line bundle mean curvature flow
East Asian Symplectic Conference 2019
National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Penghu, Taiwan - 2019/07/23
An Introduction to deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections (in Japanese)
Tohoku University Geometry Seminar
Tohoku University - 2019/06/25
An epsilon regularity theorem for line bundle mean curvature flow
Trends in Modern Geometry 2019
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China - 2019/03/19
$\varepsilon$-regularity theorem for line bundle mean curvature flows (in Japanese)
MSJ Annual Meeting
Tokyo Institute of Technology - 2019/01/05
$\varepsilon$-regularity theorem for line bundle mean curvature flows
The Workshop on Global Aspects of Projective and Kähler Geometry
Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), Sanya, China - 2018/11/26
Deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections and line bundle mean curvature flows (in Japanese)
TUS Geometry Seminar
Tokyo University of Science (Noda Campus) - 2018/11/05
On deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections and line bundle mean curvature flows (in Japanese)
Fukuoka University Differential Geometry conference
Fukuoka University Seminar House - 2018/09/03
Geometry of deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections (in Japanese)
Conference on Geometry of submanifolds and Lie group actins
Tokyo University of Science - 2018/08/29
Special Lagrangian, deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills and line bundle mean curvature flow (in Japanese)
The 65th Geometry Symposium in Japan
Tohoku University - 2018/08/06
Special Lagrangian and deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills on tropical manifold
International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 (ICM 2018)
Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2018/03/26
On correspondence between special Lagrangian submanifolds and deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections
Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
Osaka City University - 2017/11/25
Ricci-mean curvature flows and its Gauss maps
Geometric flows and Related Problems
Tokyo Institute of Technology - 2017/11/05
Ricci-mean curvature flows and its Gauss maps (in Japanese)
Fukuoka University Differential Geometry conference
Fukuoka University Seminar House - 2017/09/22
LYZ ansatz on tropical manifolds
The Third Japanese-Spanish workshop on Differential Geometry
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), Madrid, Spain - 2017/09/11
>Mirror correspondence between special Lagrangian submanifolds and deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections (in Japanese)
MSJ Annual Meeting
Yamagata University - 2017/06/26
On singuralities of mean curvature flows (in Japanese)
Trends in Submanifold Theory
Kyoto University - 2017/04/21
Mean curvature flows in several ambient spaces and its monotonicity formulas (in Japanese)
TMU Geometry Seminar
Tokyo Metropolitan University - 2017/03/28
Ricci-mean curvature flows and its Gauss maps
The 13th OCAMI-RIRCM Joint Differential Geometry Workshop on Submanifold Geometry and Lie Theory
Osaka City University - 2017/01/28
On coupled flows with mean curvature flows and Ricci flows (in Lapanese)
Workshop on Analysis in Kagurazaka 2017
Tokyo University of Science - 2016/11/04
Ricci-mean curvature flows and its examples (in Japanese)
Fukuoka University Differential Geometry conference
Fukuoka University Seminar House - 2016/10/29
On coupled PDE of Ricci flows and mean curvature flows (in Japanese)
Okayama Workshop on Partial Differential Equations
Okayama University - 2016/09/10
Ricci-mean curvature flows in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons
The second China-Japan geometry conference
Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China - 2016/08/28
Ricci-mean curvature flows and its examples (in Japanese)
The 63th Geometry Symposium in Japan
Okayama University - 2016/06/30
Ricci-mean curvature flows and examples of non-minimal compact self-similar solutions (in Japanese)
Fukuoka University Differential Geometry Seminar
Fukuoka University - 2016/05/21
On coupled flows with Lagrangian mean curvature flows and Kähler-Ricci flows (in Japanese)
Kagurazaka Geometry Seminar
Tokyo University of Science - 2016/03/18
On generalized self-similar solutions in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons (in Japanese)
MSJ Annual Meeting
Tsukuba University - 2016/03/04
On generalizations of Huisken's results to Ricci-mean curvature flows in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons (in Japanese)
Geometric flows and related problems
Tokyo Institute of Technology - 2016/01/19
Ricci-mean curvature flows in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons (in Japanese)
Todai Tuesday topology seminar
The University of Tokyo - 2015/10/30
On generalization of a theorem due to Huisken (in Japanese)
Fukuoka University Differential Geometry conference
Fukuoka University Seminar House - 2015/03/23
Ricci-mean curvature flows in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons (in Japanese)
MSJ Annual Meeting
Meiji University - 2015/03/14
Ricci-mean curvature flows in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons
Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Osaka City University - 2015/03/07
Ricci-mean curvature flows in gradient shrinking Ricci solitons (in Japanese)
Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis
Tsukuba University - 2014/08/24
Lagrangian mean curvature flows and its examples (in Japanese)
The 61th Geometry Symposium in Japan
Meijo University - 2014/06/26
Examples of generalized Lagrangian mean curvature flows in toric almost Calabi-Yau manifolds
Development of group actions and submanifold theory
Kyoto University - 2014/04/21
Lagrangian mean curvature flows and its examples (in Japanese)
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
The University of Tokyo - 2013/12/18
Constructions of Lagrangian submanifolds and its flows in toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (in Japanese)
Meiji University Geometry Seminar
Meiji University - 2013/11/01
Examples of Lagrangian submanifolds in toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (in Japanese)
The 19th Symposium on Complex Geometry
Petite Hotel Sonntag - 2013/09/24
On type I singularities of mean curvature flows in Riemannian cone manifolds (in Japanese)
MSJ Annual Meeting
Ehime University - 2013/08/20
On special Lagrangian submanifolds and Lagrangiean self-similar solutions in toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (in Japanese)
Conference on Geometry of submanifolds and Lie group actins
Tokyo University of Science - 2012/11/22
On Lagrangian mean curvature flows in toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (in Japanese)
Submanifold Theory Yuzawa
Yuzawa Grand Hotel - 2012/10/20
On Lagrangian mean curvature flows in toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (in Japanese)
Kanto Young Geometer's Seminar
Tokyo Metropolitan University - 2012/08/29
Special Lagrangians and Lagrangian self-similar solutions in toric Calabi-Yau cones (in Japanese)
The 59th Geometry Symposium in Japan
Kyushu University - 2012/04/25
Constructions of special Lagrangian submanifolds and Lagrangian self-similar solution in toric Calabi-Yau cone (in Japanese)
Tokyo Institute of Technology Geometry Seminar
Tokyo Institute of Technology - 2012/03/27
Constructions of special Lagrangian submanifolds and Lagrangian self-similar solution in toric Kähler cones (in Japanese),
MSJ Annual Meeting
Tokyo University of Science - 2011/12/16
Constructions of special Lagrangian submanifolds and Lagrangian self-similar solution in cones over toric Sasaki manifolds (in Japanese)
Tohoku University Geometry Seminar
Tohoku University
Poster Presentations
- 2018/07/02-07/09
Special Lagrangian and deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills on tropical manifold
The 11th Mathematical Society of Japan (MSJ) Seasonal Institute (SI) The Role of Metrics in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations
Hokkaido University - 2018/06/21-06/22
Special Lagrangian and deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills on tropical manifold
International Conference “String-Math 2018”
Tohoku University