Leading the world in new research in statistics
for High-Dimensional Data Analysis

Effective Classification for High-Dimensional Data
by Aoshima and Yata (2011)
In the modern world, the study of statistics is crucial for the analysis of high-dimensional data in many fields, such as genetic microarrays, medical imaging, text recognition, finance, etc.
In our laboratory, one of our goals is to provide statistical analysis tools for high-dimensional data analysis, and to prove the high accuracy of our methodologies. Proof of high accuracy is unique in the field of high-dimensional data analysis, as is our use of geometrics, placing our laboratory on the cutting edge of modern science in the world.
We held a symposium,
"International Symposium on Theories, Methodologies and Applications for Large Complex Data;
at the Tsukuba International Congress Center on December 4-6, 2024.
We held a symposium,
"International Symposium on Recent Advances in Theories and Methodologies for Large Complex Data"
at the Tsukuba International Congress Center and online (Zoom) on December 7-9, 2023.
We held a symposium,
"International Symposium on New Developments of Theories and Methodologies for Large Complex Data"
at the Tsukuba International Congress Center and online (Zoom) on November 5-6, 2021.
Prof. Makoto Aoshima has received
Awards for Science and Technology 2020 (Research Category):
The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- Please look at THIS PAGE for further details.
- Our paper has been selected as the top 10 of 2019's highly downloaded articles in Statistics.
- "Inference on High-Dimensional Mean Vectors under the Strongly Spiked Eigenvalue Model"
Ishii, A., Yata, K., Aoshima, M.
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 2 (2019), 105-128 - Please look at THIS PAGE for further details.
We held a symposium,
"International Symposium on Theories and Methodologies for Large Complex Data"
at the Tsukuba International Congress Center on November 21-23, 2019.
- Please look at THIS PAGE for further details.
- Our paper has been recognized as TOP DOWNLOADED ARTICLE 2018-2019.
- "A Survey of High Dimension Low Sample Size Asymptotics"
Aoshima, M., Shen, D., Shen, H., Yata, K., Zhou, Y., Marron, J. S.
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
Special Issue in Honour of Peter Gavin Hall, 60 (2018), 4-19 - Please look at THIS PAGE for further details.
The Mathematical Society of Japan Public Lecture "High-Dimensional Statistics"
was given by Prof. Makoto Aoshima.
Enjoy his lecture from here!
We held a symposium,
"International Symposium on Statistical Theory and Methodology
for Large Complex Data"
at the University of Tsukuba on November 16-18, 2018.
- We held a seminar by Prof. Nitis Mukhopadhyay on November 14, 2018.
- Please look at THIS PAGE for further details.
We held a symposium,
"International Symposium on Statistical Analysis for Large Complex Data"
at the University of Tsukuba on November 21-23, 2016.
We held a public lecture, "High-Dimensional Statistics", at the University of Tsukuba
on March 19, 2016.
We held a workshop,
"Workshop on Theories and Methods for Large Complex Data: Recent Developments"
at the University of Tsukuba on November 16-18, 2015.
- We held a seminar by Prof. J. S. Marron on February 20, 2015.
- Please look at THIS PAGE for further details.
We held a workshop,
"Workshop on Statistical Methods for Large Complex Data"
at the University of Tsukuba on November 10-12, 2014.
- USJI Universities Research Report Vol.23 introduced Prof. Makoto Aoshima as a distinguished researcher.
We held a symposium,
"Theories and Methodologies for High-Dimensional Data Analysis and
their Applications to Related Fields"
at the University of Tsukuba on November 25-27, 2013.
- Outstanding Presentation Award: Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2024
- 2022 Best Faculty Member Award (Research): University of Tsukuba
- 2022 Ogawa prize: Japan Statistical Society
- 2021 Best Faculty Member Award (Research): University of Tsukuba
- Awards for Science and Technology 2020 (Research Category):
The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology - 2020 Dean Award, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences:
University of Tsukuba - Abraham Wald Prize in Sequential Analysis 2019
- Tokyo Academy of Physics Award: Tokyo University of Science
- Outstanding Poster Presentation Award: The Japan Statistical Society Spring Meeting 2019
- IWP Memorial Award: Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018
- Outstanding Poster Presentation Award: The Japan Statistical Society Spring Meeting 2018
- 2017 Best Faculty Member Award (Research): University of Tsukuba
- 2017 Honored Evaluator Award: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2017 Japan Statistical Society Award
- 2016 Meikei Award: University of Tsukuba
- 2016 Dean Award, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences:
University of Tsukuba - Outstanding Presentation Award: The 15th Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting
- Outstanding Poster Presentation Award: The Japan Statistical Society Spring Meeting 2014
- 2013 Dean Award, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences:
University of Tsukuba - 2013 Honored Evaluator Award: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2013 Young Researcher Award in University of Tsukuba
- 2012 Best Faculty Member Award (Research): University of Tsukuba
- 2012 Japan Statistical Society Research Achievement Award
- Abraham Wald Prize in Sequential Analysis 2012
Please contact us by E-mail: aoshima[at]
- Office:
- D802 Institute of Natural Sciences
- Seminar Room:
- D816 Institute of Natural Sciences
- Address:
- Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan