A bracket polynomial for the Alexander--Conway polynomial,
結び目の数理VII, 早稲田大学, 2024.12.26
The Alexander polynomial and the Jones polynomial,
数理科学セミナー, 高知大学, 2024.10.3
On a bracket polynomial for the Alexander--Conway polynomial ,
Knots and Related Topics, 大阪公立大学, 2024.9.12
Quandle twisted Alexander invariants with cohomologous Alexander pairs,
数理情報科学セミナー, 広島大学総合科学部, 2023.9.28
Alexander type invariants of groups, quandles and MCQs,
日本数学会年会, 中央大学, 2023.3.17
On normalization of Alexander type invariants,
拡大KOOKセミナー2022, 神戸大学とオンライン, 2022.8.30
On a quandle derivative,
カンドルと対称空間, オンライン, 2020.12.18
Invariants for oriented spatial surfaces,
東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー, 東京女子大学, 2019.11.30
Generalized quandle cocycle invariants and shadow quandle cocycle invariants,
The Third Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications, Xiangyu Hotel, Chengdu, China,
On generalized quandle cocycle invariants,
北陸結び目セミナー2019, 金沢大学サテライト・プラザ, 2019.10.5
Twisted derivatives with Alexander pairs for quandles,
拡大KOOKセミナー2019, 神戸大学社会科学系フロンティア館プレゼンテーションホール, 2019.8.20
f-derivatives for quandles,
Special Session on Algebraic and Combinatorial Structures in Knot Theory, AMS Sectional Meeting, University
of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019.3.22
Fox derivatives for quandles,
日本数学会年会, 東京工業大学, 2019.3.19
Fox calculus on quandle presentations,
N-KOOKセミナー, 神戸薬科大学 地域連携サテライトセンター, 2018.11.10
Augmented Alexander matrices and generalizations of twisted Alexander invariants and quandle cocycle
invariants II,
農工大セミナー, 東京農工大学, 2018.5.14
Quandle twisted Alexander invariants,
結び目の代数と幾何, 早稲田大学, 2018.3.9
An augmented Alexander matrix and an affine extension of a quandle,
Branched Coverings, Degenerations, and Related Topics 2018, 広島大学, 2018.3.6
Generalizations of twisted Alexander invariants and quandle cocycle invariants,
トポロジー火曜セミナー, 東京大学, 2017.10.17
Quandle extensions and generalized twisted Alexander invariants,
ハンドル体結び目とその周辺10・Hurwitz action 7, 筑波大学, 2017.10.9
On augmented Alexander matrices,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 大阪市立大学, 2017.1.27
Parallel biquandle colorings for handlebody-knots and spatial graphs,
International Workshop on Spatial Graphs 2016, 早稲田大学, 2016.8.3
The products of Alexander invariants and quandle cocycle invariants,
結び目の数学VIII, 早稲田大学, 2015.12.25
The Markov theorem for spatial graphs and handlebody-knots,
Special Session on Spatial Graphs, AMS Sectional Meeting, California State University, Fullerton,
California, USA, 2015.10.24
Group, quandle, and mixed (co)homologies,
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 京都産業大学, 2015.9.13
Questions on handlebody-knot theory,
拡大KOOKセミナー2015, 神戸大学, 2015.8.18
The skein index and Fox p-colorings,
Knots and Manifolds, 大阪市立大学, 2015.2.7
The Markov theorem for spatial graphs with Y-oriented IH-labeled spatial trivalent graphs,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 大阪市立大学, 2015.1.16
Circulatory orientations and handlebody-links,
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 広島大学, 2014.9.28
A multiple conjugation quandle,
International Conference on Topology and Geometry 2013, 島根大学, 2013.9.6
Multiple conjugation quandles and handlebody-knots,
2013 TAPU Workshop on Knot Theory and Related Topics, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Daejeon,
Korea, 2013.8.5
An introduction to handlebody-knot theory,
Topology seminar, University of South Alabama, USA, 2013.2.14
A handlebody-knot is a spatial trivalent graph without bridges up to IH-moves,
The 9th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 東京大学, 2013.1.16
On some properties of handlebody-knots,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 大阪市立大学, 2012.10.19
Handlebody-knots and their invariants,
幾何学コロキウム, 北海道大学, 2012.8.3
Handlebody-knots and their invariants,
トポロジー金曜セミナー, 九州大学, 2012.6.8
Coloring invariants for handlebody-knots,
colloquium, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 2012.5.1
Quantum-commutative quantum-symmetric algebras and invariants for handlebody-links,
日本数学会年会, 東京理科大学, 2012.3.26
An introduction to handlebody-knot theory,
Colloquium, The University of South Florida, Tampa, USA, 2012.2.13
Invariants for handlebody-knots derived from Yetter--Drinfeld modules,
The 8th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon, Korea, 2012.1.11
A handlebody-knot and a Yetter--Drinfeld module,
結び目の量子不変量とそのカテゴリー化, 早稲田大学, 2011.8.26
A quandle cocycle invariant with non-commutative flows for a handlebody-knot,
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, 京都大学, 2011.5.27
Quandle colorings with non-commutative flows,
トポロジー火曜セミナー, 東京大学, 2011.5.17
A quandle cocycle invariant on a group representation for handlebody-links I, II, (with Yeonhee Jang and
Kanako Oshiro),
The Seventh East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 広島大学, 2011.1.10
A knotted handlebody and a spatial graph,
International Workshop on Spatial Graphs 2010, 早稲田大学, 2010.8.19
Invariants for spatial graphs and knotted handlebodies,
微分トポロジーセミナー, 京都大学, 2008.5.27
Moves and invariants for handlebody-links,
日本数学会年会, 近畿大学, 2008.3.23
The skein index for link invariants,
The 5th TAPU Workshop on Knots and Related Topics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 2008.1.17
A categorification of the one-variable Kamada-Miyazawa polynomial, (with K. Tanaka),
結び目のトポロジーX, 東京女子大学, 2007.12.24
The Miyazawa polynomials for long virtual knots,
International Conference on Topology and its Applications 2007 joint with 4th Japan Mexico Topology
Conference, 京都大学, 2007.12.4
A quandle cocycle invariant for handlebody-links,
トポロジー火曜セミナー, 東京大学, 2007.11.27
On handlebodies embedded in the 3-sphere,
Topology-Geometry Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 2007.11.5
Khovanov homology for virtual links with two types of maps for M\"{o}bius cobordisms, (with K. Tanaka),
Knotting Mathematics and Art, The University of South Florida, Tampa, USA, 2007.11.4
On handlebodies embedded in the 3-sphere,
数理学談話会, 金沢大学, 2007.10.3
The skein index for link invariants,
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 東北大学, 2007.9.21
Moves and invariants for knotted handlebodies,
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology 兼拡大KOOKセミナー, 大阪市立大学, 2007.8.29
The pole diagram and the Miyazawa polynomial,
International conference on quantum topology, Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2007.8.7
Moves and invariants for knotted handlebodies,
低次元トポロジーセミナー, 大阪大学, 2007.7.23
An invariant of a handlebody-link,
早稲田大学教育学部トポロジーセミナー, 早稲田大学, 2007.6.30
The skein index for link invariants,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 大阪市立大学, 2007.6.15
The two variable bracket polynomial for Miyazawa polynomial,
Seminar, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, 2007.5.23
A bracket polynomial and TQFT for invariants of virtual links,
低次元トポロジーセミナー, 京都大学数理解析研究所, 2007.4.12
The pole diagram and the Miyazawa polynomial,
日本数学会年会, 埼玉大学, 2007.3.30
The pole diagram and the Miyazawa polynomial,
The 3rd East Asian School of Knots, Links and Related Topics, 大阪市立大学, 2007.2.8
The pole diagram and the virtual crossing number,
結び目のトポロジーIX, 日本大学, 2006.12.20
The pole diagram and the magnetic diagram,
広島大学トポロジー・幾何セミナー, 広島大学, 2006.12.5
The pole diagram and the Miyazawa polynomial,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 大阪市立大学, 2006.11.24
An invariant of a virtual (1,1)-tangle and the Miyazawa polynomial, (with N. Kamada and S. Kamada),
東北結び目セミナー, 国際蔵王高原ホテル, 2006.11.17
長仮想結び目の2変数多項式不変量, (with N. Kamada and S. Kamada),
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 大阪市立大学, 2006.9.21
Smoothing resolution for the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology, 広島大学, 2006.7.24
Smoothing decomposition for the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
日本数学会年会, 中央大学, 2006.3.28
仮想マグネティックスケイン加群とf-多項式のスケイン関係式, (with N. Kamada and S. Kamada),
日本数学会年会, 中央大学, 2006.3.28
A bracket polynomial for the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
早大理工トポロジーセミナー, 早稲田大学, 2006.2.15
The virtual magnetic skein module and construction of skein relations on Jones-Kauffman polynomial, (with N.
Kamada and S. Kamada),
NZ-Japan Knot Theory conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 2006.1.7
An algebra for the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
結び目のトポロジーVIII, 早稲田大学, 2005.12.25
The virtual magnetic skein module and construction of skein relations for the Jones-Kauffman polynomial,
トポロジー金曜セミナー, 九州大学, 2005.11.18
Skein relations for the f-polynomial,
低次元トポロジーセミナー, 大阪大学, 2005.11.16
Skein relations for a quantum invariant of virtual links,
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 岡山大学, 2005.9.20
Quantum invariants of virtual links and Cartan subalgebras,
結び目と多様体の幾何と代数III, 甲南大学, 2005.9.1
Skein relations for the generalized Alexander polynomial for virtual links,
The Second East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics in Geometric Topology, Dalian University of
Technology, Dalian, China, 2005.8.2
Skein relations for a quantum invariant of virtual links,
広島大学トポロジー・幾何セミナー, 広島大学, 2005.7.12
Uq[gl(m|n)] invariants for classical links and virtual links,
東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー, 東京女子大学, 2005.6.18
Skein relations for the generalized Alexander polynomial for virtual links and closed virtual 2-braids,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 大阪市立大学数学研究所, 2005.5.6
The LG^{m,1} invariants and the Alexander-Conway polynomial (joint work with D. De Wit and J. Links),
日本数学会年会, 日本大学, 2005.3.29
On the LG quantum link invariant,
数学総合若手研究集会, 北海道大学, 2005.2.14
The LG polynomial as a generalization of the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
結び目のトポロジーVII, 東京女子大学, 2004.12.25
A relation between the LG polynomial and the Kauffman polynomial,
3rd Japan-Mexico Joint Meeting on Topology and its Applications,
Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Aut\'{o}noma Benito Ju\'{a}rez de Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2004.12.7
The LG^{m,1} invariants and the Alexander-Conway polynomial (joint work with D. De Wit and J. Links),
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology, 大阪市立大学文化交流センター, 2004.10.26
The LG polynomial as a generalization of the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 北海道大学, 2004.9.21
On the LG polynomial,
阪大トポロジーセミナー, 大阪大学, 2004.7.26
The LG polynomial and the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
International Graduate Course Student Workshop for Knot Theory and Related Topics, 大阪市立大学, 2004.7.5
Algebra and Geometry of the LG polynomial,
Seminar, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2004.4.21
The Links-Gould invariants of the Kanenobu knots,
日本数学会年会, 筑波大学, 2004.3.29
Skein relations of the Links-Gould invariant and their applications,
First East Asian School of Knots, Links, and Related Topics, Kyoyuk Munhwa Hoekwan, Seoul, Korea, 2004.2.18
A relation between the Links-Gould invariant and the Alexander-Conway polynomial,
東北結び目セミナー, 山形大学, 2004.1.6
A relation between the Links-Gould invariant and the Kauffman polynomial, (with T. Kanenobu),
結び目のトポロジーVI, 日本大学, 2003.12.16
Different links with the same Links-Gould invariant, (with T. Kanenobu)
結び目のトポロジーVI, 日本大学, 2003.12.16
The Links-Gould invariants of the Kanenobu knots,
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology, 国民宿舎小豆島, 2003.11.18
Skein relations of the Links-Gould invariant,
日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 千葉大学, 2003.9.25
Skein relations of the Links-Gould invariant and algebraic links,
結び目と多様体の幾何と代数II, 甲南大学, 2003.9.3
The Links-Gould invariant of closed 3-braids,
日本数学会年会, 東京大学, 2003.3.23
The Links-Gould invariant of links as Vassiliev invariant,
結び目のトポロジーV, 早稲田大学, 2002.12.16