Main Published Papers (Jun MORITA)
- Tits' systems in Chevalley groups over Laurent polynomial rings,
Tsukuba J. Math. (2)3, 1979, 41 -- 51.
- Roots of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)4, 1980,
349 -- 354.
- On some twisted Chevalley groups over Laurent polynomial rings,
Canad. J. Math. (2)18, 1981, 1182 -- 1201.
- Affine Chevalley algebras (with J. Hurley), J. Algebra 72, 1981,
359 -- 373.
- Coverings of generalized Chevalley groups associated with affine
Lie algebras, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)6, 1982, 1 -- 8.
- Automorphisms of certain root lattices (with Z. Kobayashi),
Tsukuba J. Math. (2)7, 1983, 323 -- 336.
- Root systems and orthogonal groups of root lattices, Hokkaido
Math. J. (2)13, 1984, 51 -- 62.
- On adjoint Chevalley groups associated with completed Euclidean
Lie algebras, Comm. Algebra (6)12, 1984, 673 -- 690.
- Universal central extensions of Chevalley algebras over Laurent
polynomial rings and GIM Lie algebras (with Y\^ oji Yoshii),
Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A (6)61, 1985, 179 --181.
- Conjugate classes of three dimensional simple Lie subalgebras
in the affine Lie algebra ${\rm A}_\ell^{(1)}$, Algebraic and
topological theories, Nagata M. et al. (eds.), Kinokuniya, Tokyo,
113 -- 126, 1985.
- A transformation group of the Pythagorean numbers,
Tsukuba J. Math. (1)10, 1986, 151 -- 153.
- A Lie algebraic approach to the Diophantine equation
$x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \cdots + x_n^2 = y^2$
$(n \leq 9)$
and its transformation groups (with M. Wakimoto), Japan. J. Math. (1)13,
1987, 164 -- 167.
- Saturated sets for generalized Cartan matrices (with M. Wakimoto),
Tsukuba J. Math. (1)11, 1987, 77 -- 91.
- Commutator relations in Kac-Moody groups,
Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A (1)63, 1987, 21 -- 22.
- Some Tits systems with affine Weyl groups in Chevalley groups over
Dedekind domains (with E. Abe), J. Algebra (2)115, 1988, 450 -- 465.
- Root strings with three or four real roots in Kac-Moody root systems,
T\^ ohoku Math. J. (4)40, 1988, 645 -- 650.
- Certain rank two subsystems of Kac-Moody root systems, Infinite
dimensional Lie algebras and groups, Advanced Series in Mathematical
Physics 7 (Proceedings of the conference held at CIRM, Luminy, Marseille,
1988, ed. V. G. Kac), World Scientific, Singapore, New York, London,
Hong Kong, 52 -- 56, 1989.
- A Matsumoto-type theorem for Kac-Moody groups (with U. Rehmann),
T\^ ohoku Math. J. (4)42, 1990, 537 -- 560.
- On the group structure of rank one $K_2$ of some ${\bf Z}_S$,
Bull. Soc. Math. Belgique XLII, 1990, 561 -- 575.
- Symplectic $K_2$ of Laurent polynomials, associated Kac-Moody
groups and Witt rings (with U. Rehmann),
Math. Z. 206, 1991, 57 -- 66.
- Kac-Moody groups over fields with trivial $K_2$,
Comm. Algebra (5)19, 1991, 1541 -- 1544.
- Coverings, Schur multipliers and $K_2$ of Kac-Moody groups,
Nonassociative algebras and related topics
(Proceedings of the international symposium held at Hiroshima,
1990, eds. K. Yamaguchi, N. Kawamoto), World Scientific,
Singapore, New York, London, Hong Kong, 163 -- 173, 1991
- On the homological $\pi_0$ of Kac-Moody groups (with J. Hurrelbrink,
U. Rehmann), Contemp. Math. 126, 1992, 71 -- 77.
- $K_2{\rm SL}_2$ of Euclidean domains, generalized
Dennis-Stein symbols and a certain three-unit formula,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 79, 1992, 51 -- 61.
- A combinatorial proof for Artin's presentation of the braid group
$B_n$ and some cyclic analogue, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)16, 1992, 439 -- 442.
- Braid relations, meta-abelianizations and the symbols $\{ p , - 1 \}$
in $K_2(2,{\bf Z}[1/p])$, J. Math. Soc. Japan, (1)47, 1995, 131 -- 141.
- The group $\rm{SL}(2,{\bf Z}_S)$ is either perfect or
prosolvable, Comm. Algebra, (9)23, 1995, 3545 -- 3550.
- Meta-abelianizations of ${\rm SL}(2,{\bf Z}[\frac {1}{p}])$ and
Dennis-Stein symbols, Tsukuba J. Math., (1)20, 1996, 71 -- 76.
- Octagonal quasicrystals and a formula for shelling (with K. Sakamoto),
J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen., 31, 1998, 9321 -- 9325.
- Gauss decompositions of Kac-Moody groups (with E. Plotkin),
Comm. Algebra, (1) 27, 1999, 465 -- 475.
- Shell structure of dodecagonal quasicrystals associated with
root system F_4 and cyclotomic field Q(zeta_12) (with K. Sakamoto),
Comm. Algebra, (1) 28, 2000, 255 -- 263.
- Positivity for K_1 and K_2 (with R.V. Moody), J. Algebra, 229,
2000, 1 -- 24.
- A certain algebraic construction of quasicrystals and their isomorphism
classes (with T. Kimijima), J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 2000, 8483 -- 8487.
- Prescribed Gauss decompositions for Kac-Moody groups
over fields (with E. Plotkin), Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova 106, 2001, 153 -- 163.
- Some factorizations in universal enveloping algebras of three
dimensional Lie algebras and generalizations (with S. Berman and
Y. Yoshii), Canad. Math. Bull. (4)45, 2002, 525 -- 536.
- Some formulae in U_q(sl_2) and diagonalizability (with.
H. Sakaguchi), Kyushu J. Math. (1)57, 2003, 165 -- 173.
- Local properties, bialgebras and representations for
one-dimensional tilings (with T. Masuda), J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37,
2004, 2661 -- 2669.
- Locally extended affine Lie algebras (with Yoji Yoshii),
J. Algebra (1)301, 2006, 59 -- 81.
- Groups, Lie algebras and Gauss decompositions for
one dimensional tilings (with Daisuke Dobashi),
Nihonkai Math. J. (1)17, 2006, 77 -- 88.
- Groups defined by extended affine Lie algebras
with nullity 2 (with H. Sakaguchi), Tokyo J. Math. (2)29, 2006, 347 -- 383.
- Conjugacy results for the Lie algebra sl_2 over an algebra which is a UFD
(with Stephen Berman), Contemp. Math. 422, 2007, 17 -- 40.
- A new basis of U(sl_2) and Heisenberg analogue (with H. Chiba and
J-L. Guo), Hadronic J. 30, 2007, 503 -- 512.
- Words, tilings and combinatorial spectra (with Akira Terui), Hiroshima
Math. J. (1)39, 2009, 37 -- 60.
- Tilings, Lie theory and combinatorics, Contemp. Math. 506, 2010,
173 -- 185.
- Automorphisms and derivations of nilradicals of Borel subalgebras
in Kac-Moody algebras (with Kaiming Zhao), Comm. Contemp. Math. (2)14,
2012, 1250010, 1 -- 22.
- Words, automata and Lie theory for tilings, Symmetries, Integrable Systems
and Representation (eds. K. Iohara, M.-G. Sophie and B. Remy), Proc. Math. Stat.
40, Sprnger, 2013.
- Simplicity of some twin tree automorphism groups with trivial commutation relations (with B. Remy),
Canad. Math. Bull. (2)57, 2014, 390 -- 400.
- Locally loop algebras and locally affine Lie algebras (with Y. Yoshii),
J. Algebra 440, 2015, 379 -- 442.
- Word maps in Kac-Moody setting (with E. Klimenko, B. Kunyavskii, E. Plotkin),
Toyama Math. J. 37, 2015, 25 -- 53.
- Automorphisms of a locally affine root system of type A_{I-1}^{(1)} (with Y. Yoshii),
Algebras, Groups and Geometries (2)34, 2017, 187 -- 202.
- Simple Kac-Moody groups with trivial Schur multipliers,
Science China Mathematics (2)61, 2018, 311 -- 316.
- Discretization of SU(2) and the orthogonal group using the icosahedral symmetries
and the golden numbers (with R. Moody),
Comm. Algebra (6)46, 2018, 2510 -- 2533.
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