Main Published Papers (Jun MORITA)

  1. Tits' systems in Chevalley groups over Laurent polynomial rings, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)3, 1979, 41 -- 51.
  2. Roots of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)4, 1980, 349 -- 354.
  3. On some twisted Chevalley groups over Laurent polynomial rings, Canad. J. Math. (2)18, 1981, 1182 -- 1201.
  4. Affine Chevalley algebras (with J. Hurley), J. Algebra 72, 1981, 359 -- 373.
  5. Coverings of generalized Chevalley groups associated with affine Lie algebras, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)6, 1982, 1 -- 8.
  6. Automorphisms of certain root lattices (with Z. Kobayashi), Tsukuba J. Math. (2)7, 1983, 323 -- 336.
  7. Root systems and orthogonal groups of root lattices, Hokkaido Math. J. (2)13, 1984, 51 -- 62.
  8. On adjoint Chevalley groups associated with completed Euclidean Lie algebras, Comm. Algebra (6)12, 1984, 673 -- 690.
  9. Universal central extensions of Chevalley algebras over Laurent polynomial rings and GIM Lie algebras (with Y\^ oji Yoshii), Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A (6)61, 1985, 179 --181.
  10. Conjugate classes of three dimensional simple Lie subalgebras in the affine Lie algebra ${\rm A}_\ell^{(1)}$, Algebraic and topological theories, Nagata M. et al. (eds.), Kinokuniya, Tokyo, 113 -- 126, 1985.
  11. A transformation group of the Pythagorean numbers, Tsukuba J. Math. (1)10, 1986, 151 -- 153.
  12. A Lie algebraic approach to the Diophantine equation $x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \cdots + x_n^2 = y^2$ $(n \leq 9)$ and its transformation groups (with M. Wakimoto), Japan. J. Math. (1)13, 1987, 164 -- 167.
  13. Saturated sets for generalized Cartan matrices (with M. Wakimoto), Tsukuba J. Math. (1)11, 1987, 77 -- 91.
  14. Commutator relations in Kac-Moody groups, Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A (1)63, 1987, 21 -- 22.
  15. Some Tits systems with affine Weyl groups in Chevalley groups over Dedekind domains (with E. Abe), J. Algebra (2)115, 1988, 450 -- 465.
  16. Root strings with three or four real roots in Kac-Moody root systems, T\^ ohoku Math. J. (4)40, 1988, 645 -- 650.
  17. Certain rank two subsystems of Kac-Moody root systems, Infinite dimensional Lie algebras and groups, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics 7 (Proceedings of the conference held at CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, 1988, ed. V. G. Kac), World Scientific, Singapore, New York, London, Hong Kong, 52 -- 56, 1989.
  18. A Matsumoto-type theorem for Kac-Moody groups (with U. Rehmann), T\^ ohoku Math. J. (4)42, 1990, 537 -- 560.
  19. On the group structure of rank one $K_2$ of some ${\bf Z}_S$, Bull. Soc. Math. Belgique XLII, 1990, 561 -- 575.
  20. Symplectic $K_2$ of Laurent polynomials, associated Kac-Moody groups and Witt rings (with U. Rehmann), Math. Z. 206, 1991, 57 -- 66.
  21. Kac-Moody groups over fields with trivial $K_2$, Comm. Algebra (5)19, 1991, 1541 -- 1544.
  22. Coverings, Schur multipliers and $K_2$ of Kac-Moody groups, Nonassociative algebras and related topics (Proceedings of the international symposium held at Hiroshima, 1990, eds. K. Yamaguchi, N. Kawamoto), World Scientific, Singapore, New York, London, Hong Kong, 163 -- 173, 1991
  23. On the homological $\pi_0$ of Kac-Moody groups (with J. Hurrelbrink, U. Rehmann), Contemp. Math. 126, 1992, 71 -- 77.
  24. $K_2{\rm SL}_2$ of Euclidean domains, generalized Dennis-Stein symbols and a certain three-unit formula, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 79, 1992, 51 -- 61.
  25. A combinatorial proof for Artin's presentation of the braid group $B_n$ and some cyclic analogue, Tsukuba J. Math. (2)16, 1992, 439 -- 442.
  26. Braid relations, meta-abelianizations and the symbols $\{ p , - 1 \}$ in $K_2(2,{\bf Z}[1/p])$, J. Math. Soc. Japan, (1)47, 1995, 131 -- 141.
  27. The group $\rm{SL}(2,{\bf Z}_S)$ is either perfect or prosolvable, Comm. Algebra, (9)23, 1995, 3545 -- 3550.
  28. Meta-abelianizations of ${\rm SL}(2,{\bf Z}[\frac {1}{p}])$ and Dennis-Stein symbols, Tsukuba J. Math., (1)20, 1996, 71 -- 76.
  29. Octagonal quasicrystals and a formula for shelling (with K. Sakamoto), J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen., 31, 1998, 9321 -- 9325.
  30. Gauss decompositions of Kac-Moody groups (with E. Plotkin), Comm. Algebra, (1) 27, 1999, 465 -- 475.
  31. Shell structure of dodecagonal quasicrystals associated with root system F_4 and cyclotomic field Q(zeta_12) (with K. Sakamoto), Comm. Algebra, (1) 28, 2000, 255 -- 263.
  32. Positivity for K_1 and K_2 (with R.V. Moody), J. Algebra, 229, 2000, 1 -- 24.
  33. A certain algebraic construction of quasicrystals and their isomorphism classes (with T. Kimijima), J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 2000, 8483 -- 8487.
  34. Prescribed Gauss decompositions for Kac-Moody groups over fields (with E. Plotkin), Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova 106, 2001, 153 -- 163.
  35. Some factorizations in universal enveloping algebras of three dimensional Lie algebras and generalizations (with S. Berman and Y. Yoshii), Canad. Math. Bull. (4)45, 2002, 525 -- 536.
  36. Some formulae in U_q(sl_2) and diagonalizability (with. H. Sakaguchi), Kyushu J. Math. (1)57, 2003, 165 -- 173.
  37. Local properties, bialgebras and representations for one-dimensional tilings (with T. Masuda), J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 2004, 2661 -- 2669.
  38. Locally extended affine Lie algebras (with Yoji Yoshii), J. Algebra (1)301, 2006, 59 -- 81.
  39. Groups, Lie algebras and Gauss decompositions for one dimensional tilings (with Daisuke Dobashi), Nihonkai Math. J. (1)17, 2006, 77 -- 88.
  40. Groups defined by extended affine Lie algebras with nullity 2 (with H. Sakaguchi), Tokyo J. Math. (2)29, 2006, 347 -- 383.
  41. Conjugacy results for the Lie algebra sl_2 over an algebra which is a UFD (with Stephen Berman), Contemp. Math. 422, 2007, 17 -- 40.
  42. A new basis of U(sl_2) and Heisenberg analogue (with H. Chiba and J-L. Guo), Hadronic J. 30, 2007, 503 -- 512.
  43. Words, tilings and combinatorial spectra (with Akira Terui), Hiroshima Math. J. (1)39, 2009, 37 -- 60.
  44. Tilings, Lie theory and combinatorics, Contemp. Math. 506, 2010, 173 -- 185.
  45. Automorphisms and derivations of nilradicals of Borel subalgebras in Kac-Moody algebras (with Kaiming Zhao), Comm. Contemp. Math. (2)14, 2012, 1250010, 1 -- 22.
  46. Words, automata and Lie theory for tilings, Symmetries, Integrable Systems and Representation (eds. K. Iohara, M.-G. Sophie and B. Remy), Proc. Math. Stat. 40, Sprnger, 2013.
  47. Simplicity of some twin tree automorphism groups with trivial commutation relations (with B. Remy), Canad. Math. Bull. (2)57, 2014, 390 -- 400.
  48. Locally loop algebras and locally affine Lie algebras (with Y. Yoshii), J. Algebra 440, 2015, 379 -- 442.
  49. Word maps in Kac-Moody setting (with E. Klimenko, B. Kunyavskii, E. Plotkin), Toyama Math. J. 37, 2015, 25 -- 53.
  50. Automorphisms of a locally affine root system of type A_{I-1}^{(1)} (with Y. Yoshii), Algebras, Groups and Geometries (2)34, 2017, 187 -- 202.
  51. Simple Kac-Moody groups with trivial Schur multipliers, Science China Mathematics (2)61, 2018, 311 -- 316.
  52. Discretization of SU(2) and the orthogonal group using the icosahedral symmetries and the golden numbers (with R. Moody), Comm. Algebra (6)46, 2018, 2510 -- 2533.

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