Tsukuba Conference on Integral Geometry
and Harmonic Analysis

                                  University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
              August 7 (Monday) 13:00 - August 10 (Thursday) 12:40,  2006

Harmonic analysis has played a central role in the development of integral geometry, from the beginnings of the field in the early twentieth century and continuing to this very day. Conversely, the methods of integral geometry have significantly contributed to our understanding of noncommutative harmonic analysis and the theory of representations. This conference aims to highlight the latest results and trends in the interaction of these fields, and to foster greater communication and collaboration between mathematicians in Japan and abroad.

  List of Speakers
Fulton Gonzalez ( Tufts University )
Eric Grinberg ( University of New Hampshire  )
Sigurdur Helgason ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology )
Satoshi Ishikawa ( University of Tokyo )
Hiroshi Isozaki ( University of Tsukuba )
Toshiyuki Kobayashi ( Kyoto University )
Gen Mano
( Kyoto University )
Yutaka Matsui ( University of Tokyo )
Takaaki Nomura ( Kyushu University )
Gestur Olafsson ( Louisiana State University )
Toshio Oshima ( University of Tokyo )
Eric Todd Quinto ( Tufts University )
Boris Rubin ( Louisiana State University )

Hideko Sekiguchi ( University of Tokyo )

Fulton Gonzalez ( Tufts University )
Tomoyuki Kakehi ( University of Tsukuba )
Toshio Oshima ( University of Tokyo )

Conference Program

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Travel Information
   group picture