This is a list of talks that I can remember giving. I have the notes
for most of them buried somewhere.
- Hopf Galois structures for dihedral extensions. Summer 1998, informal
seminar, SUNY Albany
- Hopf Galois structures for S_n extensions. Summer 1998, informal
seminar, SUNY Albany
- Hopf Galois structures for non-abelian field extensions (poster
presentation). January 16, 1999, AMS Undergrad Poster session, San
Antonio joint meeting
- Crossing numbers of complete bipartite graphs. August 17, 1999,
SURF summer research seminar, Caltech
- Equivalent formulations of Smale's conjecture. October 20, 2000, SURF
summer research seminar, Caltech
- Hopf Galois structures. October 2000, Wales's class, Caltech
- Ramsey numbers. November 2000, Wales's class, Caltech
- Ordinary implies deRham. June 2001, Flach's class, Caltech
- The Koszul complex (part 2 of 3). September, 2001, Eisenbud's
- Resolutions of complex surface singularities. December 4, 2001,
Kirby's secret topology seminar, UCB
- A^1 homotopy. May 7, 2002, student algebraic geometry seminar,
- Boson-fermion correspondence. December 9, 2002, informal student
string theory seminar, UCB
- Eisenstein series. February 3, 2003, automorphic forms seminar,
- The circle method. March 10, 2003, automorphic forms seminar,
- Dieudonne modules and deRham cohomology. July 22, 2003, Mazur group,
- How to build a monster. September 6, 2003, Many Cheerful Facts,
- Positive definite binary quadratic forms. September 15, 2003,
integral quadratic forms seminar, UCB
- Upper bounds for sphere packings (after Cohn and Elkies).
November 10, 2003, integral quadratic forms seminar, UCB
- Arithmetic subgroups of SL_2 over a function field. December 4, 2003,
Bartholdi's class, UCB
- Rationality of zeta. February 6, 2004, zeta functions seminar,
- Rationality of zeta II. February 13, 2004, zeta functions seminar,
- Rational points on X_{split}(N). February 24, 2004, Mazur group,
- Bosonization on Riemann surfaces. March 1, 2004, informal student
string theory seminar, UCB
- Instanton sums and monodromy. March 17, 2004, AWS working group talk,
UT Austin
- Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology. April 9, 2004, zeta functions seminar,
- Variation of Hodge structure. April 29, 2004, Shimura varieties
seminar, UCB
- Variation of Hodge structure II. May 6, 2004, Shimura varieties
seminar, UCB
- Affine Lie algebras and automorphic forms. July 21, 2004, summer
unprepared ad hoc lecture series, UCB
- Monodromy and elliptic curves. August 5, 2004, Periods seminar,
- Cohomology of manifolds varying in a family. August 9, 2004, Periods
seminar, UCB
- Introduction to moonshine. October 1, 2004, Secret Russian seminar,
- Riemann surfaces and Galois theory. October 27, 2004, student
topology seminar, UCB
- Kac-Moody algebras for beginners. November 22, 2004, informal student
string theory seminar, UCB
- Relativistic quantum mechanics. January 27, 2005, non-axiomatic
quantum field theory seminar, UCB
- Langlands to geometric Langlands. February 28, 2005, Workshop on
geometric Langlands program, Talbot 2005 (North Conway, NH)
- Moonshine for Beginners. August 31, 2005, Many Cheerful Facts,
- Higher Torsion Invariants I. March 3, 2006, Workshop on automorphisms
of manifolds, Talbot 2006 (North Conway, NH)
- I don't understand conformal blocks. October 17, 2006, Student
representation theory seminar, UCB
- Spectral group schemes and oriented spectral elliptic curves.
November 30, 2006, Derived algebraic geometry and topology seminar,
- Monstrous Lie algebras and generalized moonshine. December 4, 2006,
Quantum algebra seminar, UC Davis
- Baby p-adic geometry I. February 23, 2007, Student number theory
seminar, UCB
- Baby p-adic geometry II. March 2, 2007, Student number theory
seminar, UCB
- Monstrous Lie algebras and generalized moonshine. April 9, 2007,
Representation theory, geometry and combinatorics semonar, UCB
- Monstrous Lie algebras and generalized moonshine. April 16, 2007,
Algebra seminar, Kansas State University
- Tamely ramified case II: nilpotent opers and Miura opers. April 17,
2007, Geometric Langlands seminar, UCB
- Borcherds products and genus zero functions. April 18, 2007, Number
theory seminar, UCB
- Monstrous moonshine. July 17, 2007, Canada/USA Mathcamp (Waterville,
- Monstrous Lie algebras and generalized moonshine. October 2, 2007,
Everytopic seminar, Brandeis University
- Chiral algebras, Factorization algebras, and chiral modules. October
4, 2007, Chiral algebras seminar, Harvard
- Monstrous Lie algebras and generalized moonshine. October 5, 2007,
Infinite-dimensional algebra seminar, MIT
- Overview. February 6, 2008, Pre-Talbot seminar (quantum groups and
geometric Langlands), MIT
- The generalized moonshine conjecture. March 13, 2008, Number theory
seminar, MIT
- Monstrous moonshine. March 18, 2008, Talk for undergrads, MIT
- Construction of the functor Whitc -> FS. April 4, 2008,
Workshop on Affine Lie algebras and chiral structures, Talbot 2008
(Plymouth, MA)
- Monstrous moonshine. July 29, 2008, Canada/USA Mathcamp (Portland,
- Genus zero modular functions in generalized moonshine. February 13,
2009, Infinite-dimensional algebra seminar, MIT
- Generalized moonshine: an overview. March 11, 2009, Geometry seminar,
Boston University
- Construction of the exotic 2-compact group DI(4). April 23, 2009,
The Thursday Seminar, Harvard
- Singular commutative rings in a braided category. September 1, 2009,
ICMS Workshop on vertex algebras, Lie algebras, and automorphic forms,
- Singular commutative rings in a braided category. September 25, 2009,
Infinite-dimensional algebra seminar, MIT
- Chiral algebras and logarithmic geometry. November 4, 2009,
Mathematical Physics Seminar, Boston University
- Genus zero functions in generalized moonshine. November 6, 2009,
Everytopic Seminar, Brandeis University
- Monstrous Moonshine and Topology. November 17, 2009, Babytop,
- Borcherds products and genus zero modular functions. December 15,
2009, CICMA Seminar, Concordia University
- Monstrous moonshine and Norton's generalization. December 17, 2009,
McGill University
- Monstrous moonshine and Norton's generalization. January 22, 2010,
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, University of Arizona
- Monstrous moonshine and Norton's generalization. January 26, 2010,
Algebra Seminar, University of Michigan
- Recent progress in generalized moonshine. February 12, 2010,
Infinite-dimensional algebra seminar, MIT
- Constructions of Stolz-Teichner and Hu-Kriz. March 2, 2010, Babytop,
- The even unimodular lattice of signature (1,25). April 29, 2010,
- From positive energy representations to twisted K-cocycles. May
12, 2010, Juvitop, MIT
- Braiding of smeared primary fields. August 20, 2010, Workshop on Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, Eugene, OR
- Borcherds products in monstrous moonshine. September 14, 2010,
Mathematics-String Theory seminar, IPMU
- Borcherds products in monstrous moonshine. November 17, 2010,
Representation theory seminar, RIMS, Kyoto University
- Borcherds products in monstrous moonshine. November 25, 2010,
Workshop on Lattices, Reflection Groups, and Algebraic Geometry, Nagoya University
- Borcherds products in monstrous moonshine. November 29, 2010,
IPMU Komaba seminar, Tokyo University
- Geometric Langlands in 30 minutes. May 20, 2011, 30 minute seminars, IPMU
- Conformal blocks on nodal curves. June 3, 2011, Canadian Mathematics Society meeting (Lie Theory session), University of Alberta
- De Rham epsilon factors (after Beilinson-Bloch-Esnault). June 30, 2011, IPMU
- Determinants, Tate modules, and negative K-theory (after BBE). July 11, 2011, IPMU
- Picard stacks, Clifford algebras, and central extensions (after BBE). July 22, 2011, IPMU
- Conformal blocks on nodal curves. September 11, 2011, AMS sectional meeting, Cornell University
- Conformal blocks on nodal curves. September 16, 2011, Infinite Dimensional Algebra seminar, MIT
- Conformal blocks on nodal curves. September 20, 2011, CFT2011, Heidelberg, Germany
- Rademacher sums, moonshine, and gravity (after Duncan, Frenkel). December 15, 2011, String lunch, IPMU
- Generalized moonshine. January 24, 2012, Special Seminar, University of Alberta
- Conformal blocks on log-smooth curves I. March 19, 2012, Vertex algebra seminar, IPMU
- Conformal blocks on log-smooth curves II. March 20, 2012, Vertex algebra seminar, IPMU
- Conformal blocks on log-smooth curves III. March 22, 2012, Vertex algebra seminar, IPMU
- Conformal blocks on log-smooth curves IV. April 10, 2012, Vertex algebra seminar, IPMU
- Monstrous moonshine and generalized moonshine. May 24, 2012, Get-together seminar, IPMU
- No-ghost theorems in moonshine. June 14, 2012, String lunch, IPMU
- Monstrous Lie algebras I. August 27, 2012, Vertex algebra seminar, IPMU
- Monstrous Lie algebras II. August 28, 2012, Vertex algebra seminar, IPMU
- Generalized moonshine mini-course. November 3-4, 2012, Tokyo Woman's Christian University
- Monstrous Lie algebras. January 8, 2013, Workshop on finite groups and their representations, vertex operator algebras, and algebraic combinatorics, RIMS, Kyoto University
- Monstrous Lie algebras. January 24, 2013, Department Colloquium, University of Tsukuba
- Monstrous Lie algebras. March 27, 2013, Taitung Workshop on group theory VOA and algebraic combinatorics, Taitung University
- Monstrous Lie algebras. July 9, 2013, Moonshine and Beyond conference, Sendai
- Monstrous Lie algebras. August 27, 2013, Conference on Moonshine, Mock modular forms, and String theory, Simons Center for geometry and physics, SUNY Stony Brook
- The science of symmetry. October 29, 2013, Disaster relief lecture, Iwaki high school, Fukushima
- Introduction to Mathieu Moonshine. October 31, 2013, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Dong-Li-Mason plus Weil. March 22, 2014, Hualien Workshop on Finite Groups, VOA, Algebraic Combinatorics, and Related Topics, National Dong Hwa University
- Generalized Moonshine. April 8, 2014, Mathematical Physics seminar, Universität Freiburg
- Sho Saito's delooping theorem. April 28, 2014, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Dong-Li-Mason plus Weil. June 27, 2014, Algebras, Groups and Geometries 2014, University of Tokyo
- Orbifold VOAs and group cohomology, July 2014, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Introduction to Mathieu Moonshine. August 25, 2014, Workshop on Mathieu Moonshine, Tambara International Research Center
- Recent progress in generalized moonshine. November 12, 2014, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Dong-Li-Mason plus Weil. December 16, 2014, Workshop on finite groups and their representations, vertex operator algebras, and algebraic combinatorics, RIMS, Kyoto University
- From VOAs to conformal nets and back (after Carpi-Kawahigashi-Longo-Weiner). May 18, 2015, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Restricted Hom stacks and relative higher frames. July 27, 2015, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Recent progress in generalized moonshine. August 7, 2015, LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium on New Moonshines, Mock Modular Forms and String Theory, University of Durham
- A proof of generalized moonshine, part I. October 5, 2015, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- A proof of generalized moonshine, part II. October 7, 2015, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- A proof of generalized moonshine. November 9, 2015, Group theory seminar, University of Tokyo
- A proof of generalized moonshine. March 19, 2016, AMS spring eastern sectional meeting, special session on vertex algebra and related algebraic and geometric structures, SUNY Stony Brook
- A proof of generalized moonshine. March 25, 2016, Lie Group/Quantum Mathematics seminar, Rutgers University
- Construction of a holomorphic VOA of type A_{6,7} (after Lam-Shimakura). June 20, 2016, Algebra seminar, University of Tsukuba
- Generalized moonshine. July 30, 2016, 28th Kusatsu Group Theory Seminar, Kusatsu Seminar House
- Rationality of orbifold CFTs and Generalized Moonshine. August 1, 2016, Tsuda College And OIST Joint Workshop On Calabi–Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry And Physics, Tsuda College and Tokyo University
- Generalized Monstrous Moonshine. September 2, 2016, Conference on Automorphic Forms, Mock Modular Forms, and String Theory, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY Stony Brook
- Generalized Monstrous Moonshine. September 27, 2016, Modular forms in String Theory, Banff International Research Station
- Generalized Monstrous Moonshine. October 3, 2016, Special Seminar, University of Alberta
- Generalized Monstrous Moonshine. October 11, 2016, Mathematics-String Theory seminar, Kavli IPMU
- Generalized Monstrous Moonshine. November 7, 2016, Moonshine and K3 surfaces, Nagoya University
- Recent Advances in Moonshine. March 25, 2017, Special Invited Lecture, Japanese Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Generalized Monstrous Moonshine. July 31, 2017, Nankai Symposium on Physics, Geometry, and Number Theory, Nankai University
- 51 constructions of the Moonshine module. August 7, 2017, Workshop on Calabi-Yau Manifolds: Arithmetic, Geometry, and Physics, Gakushuin University
- Generalized Moonshine. September 7, 2017, Conference on Number Theory, Geometry, Moonshine & Strings, Simons Foundation
- A self-dual integral form for the Moonshine Module. December 12, 2017, Research on algebraic combinatorics and representation theory of finite groups and vertex operator algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University
- Generalized Moonshine. December 20, 2017, Trends in Modular forms, NIMS (Daejeon, Korea)
- Moonshine over Z. March 13, 2018, Finite Groups, VOAs, and Related Topics 2018, University of Tsukuba
- Extended Monstrous Moonshine. June 14, 2018, Vertex operator algebras, number theory, and related topics, Sacramento State University
- Extended Monstrous Moonshine. June 27, 2018, Pan-Asia Number Theory Conference 2018, IMS, National University of Singapore
- More Modular Moonshine. July 2, 2018, RIMS Gasshuku-style seminar on Conformal Field Theory, Kansai Seminar House
- More Modular Moonshine. July 28, 2018, 30th Kusatsu Group Theory Seminar, Kusatsu Seminar House
- More Modular Moonshine. September 13, 2018, Workshop on Moonshine, Erwin Schrödinger Institute
- Moonshine over Z. June 13, 2019, The Mathematical Foundations of Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics, Nankai University
- Monstrous Moonshine over the Integers. September 2, 2019, 64th JMS Algebra Symposium, Tohoku University
- Vertex algebras over commutative rings. February 11, 2020, Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Topics in Kumamoto, Kumamoto University
- The monster action on the monster vertex algebra I. March 18, 2021, Moonshine seminar, IAS
- The monster action on the monster vertex algebra II. March 25, 2021, Moonshine seminar, IAS
- Monstrous Moonshine for integral group rings. December 20, 2022, Conference in finite groups and vertex algebras, Academia Sinica, Taiwan