Current classes
Past classes
- During the fall 2016-2017 term, I taught 代数入門演習 (introduction to algebra exercises).
- During the spring 2016-2017 term, I taught two undergraduate exercise classes in linear algebra: 線形代数I演習 and 線形代数続論演習.
- During the fall 2015-2016 term, I taught 微積分II演習 (undergraduate exercise class in multivariable calculus), 代数入門演習 (introduction to algebra exercises), and 線形代数II演習, an undergraduate exercise class in linear algebra.
- During the spring 2015-2016 term, I taught 代数学IIA, a graduate class on algebraic groups.
- During the fall 2014-2015 term, I taught 線形代数II演習, an undergraduate exercise class in linear algebra, and 代数概論I, a graduate algebra class on affine group schemes and representations.
- During the spring 2014-2015 term, I taught 代数演習 I, an undergraduate exercise class in algebra.
- During the fall 2013-2014 term, I taught 線形代数II演習, an undergraduate exercise class in linear algebra.
- During the spring 2013-2014 term, I taught 線形代数I演習, an undergraduate exercise class in linear algebra.
- During the winter 2012-2013 term, I taught 位相入門演習, an undergraduate exercise class in topology.
- For the spring 2010 term, I taught 18.784, seminar in number
theory at MIT. It was aimed at advanced undergraduates in mathematics, and
focused on modular forms.
- For the spring 2009 term, I taught 18.086, Mathematical methods for Engineers II, at MIT. It was aimed at graduate students in engineering,
and focused on PDE initial value problems, large linear systems, and
- During the spring 2008 semester, I co-organized the pre-Talbot seminar with John Francis, at MIT. The topic was geometric Satake correspondence for quantum groups