R. Moody 教授:講演概要 (Abstract)
Long-range order or aperiodic order refers to the phenomenon of
discrete systems of infinite extent which still have very evident
order but are either partially or totally deficient in periodic
symmetries. The order can appear in several ways, the most notable
being the repetition of local structure (albeit aperiodically) and
through the existence of a strong pure point component in the
diffraction. Famous examples are the Penrose tilings, the Fibonacci
substitution sequences, and the actual physical examples of
quasi-crystalline materials.
Just as in the case of statistical mechanics, it has proven extremely
useful to study aperiodic structures not just as individuals in
isolation, but rather as members of some larger family of closely
related aperiodic structures; for example, all those objects whose
local structures are indistinguishable up to translation. Thereby arise
dynamical systems, and again, just as in statistical mechanics, the
spectral theory of the associated dynamical system provides a powerful
method of exploring the underlying geometry of the original structure
that led to it.
This lecture will explain this connection works and indicate some
recent results that strongly link the dynamical and diffraction