To Japanese

Two Days Conference on Number Theory in Honour of Professor Akio Fujii
on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday

Date    January 8 (Sat) and 9 (Sun), 2005

Place   Rikkyo University, Ikebukuro, Tokyo
        (Building no.8, Room no.8201)

        Kohji Matsumoto (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya
        Noboru Aoki (Faculty of Science, Rikkyo University) 


January 8 (Sat)

    13:30 - 14:20   Masato Wakayama (Kyushu University)
                      Ramification density for prime geodesics
    14:30 - 15:20   Fumihiro Sato (Rikkyo University)
    15:50 - 16:30   Hiroshi Sakata (Waseda University Senior High School)
                      On some conditions determining modular forms of
                      half-integral weight 
    16:40 - 17:40   Akio Fujii (Rikkyo University)
                      Some problems on the distribution of the zeros
                      of the Riemann zeta function

    18:30 - 20:00   Party

January 9 (Sun)

    10:00 - 11:00   Dorian Goldfeld  (Columbia University)
                      Moments of L-functions
    11:10 - 12:00   Yoshinobu Nakai (Yamanashi University)
                      Quartic theta Weyl sums, and beyond 
    14:00 - 14:40   Yuichi Kamiya (Meijigakuin University)
                      An asymptotic formula for a sum involving zeros
                      of the Riemann zeta-function 
    14:50 - 15:30   Masatoshi Suzuki (Nagoya University)
                      On the zeros of zeta-functions with Euler
    16:00 - 16:40   Masumi Nakajima (Kagoshima International
                      A probabilistic approach to lattice point
                      problems and the value-distribution of the
    16:50 - 17:40   Shigeki Egami (Toyama University)
                      A double zeta function associated to additive 
                      prime number theory (a joint work with Kohji