nittyu_e.html China-Japan Seminar

Refinements of number-theoretic methods

March 12-16 2001
at Graduate School of Advanced Technology,
University of Kinki, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan

sponsored by the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and
organized by S. Kanemitsu, Univ. of Kinki, Iizuka

Japanese Version


Visit Prof. Kanemitsu HP for the last version.

Mar. 12 (Mon.)

13:25-13:30Opening address and acknowledgements
13:30-14:10Prof. Yoshinobu Nakai (Yamanashi Univ.)
A candidate for cubic theta-Weyl sums
14:20-15:00Prof. Chengbiao Pan (Beijing Univ.)
Developements of analytic number theory in China
15:20-16:00Prof. Kenji Nagasaka (Housei Univ.)
Developements of analytic number theory in Japan (for general audience)
16:10-16:50Prof. Shigeki Egami (Toyama Univ.)
17:00-17:40Prof. Leo Murata (Meijigakuin Univ.)
On a distribution property of the residual order of a (mod p)
(joint work with Mr.Chinen)

Mar. 13(Tue.)

9:30-10:20Prof. Christopher Deninger (Univ. Münster)
Number theory and dynamical systems on foliated spaces
10:40-11:30Prof. Brunello Tirozzi (Univ. of Rome)
Neural networks and its applications
11:40-12:20Prof. Junjiro Noguchi (Tokyo Univ.)
Some results in view of Nevanlinna theory
12:20-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-14:40Prof. L. Weng (Nagoya Univ.)
New local and global non-Abelian zeta functions for elliptic curves
15:10-15:50Prof. Yoshio Tanigawa (Nagoya Univ.) and Dr. M. Yoshimoto (RIMS)
Ramanujan's formulas and modular forms
16:10-16:50Prof. Wenpeng Zhang (North-West Univ.)
On a problem of D.H.Lehmer and general Kloosterman sums

Parallel Session

17:00-17:40Prof. Masanori Katsurada (Keio Univ.)
On an asymptotic formula of Ramanujan for theta-type series
17:00-17:40Prof. S. Kanemitsu (Univ. of Kinki)
The susmna principle in number theory (for general audience)
18:00- Reception Party at Nogami President Hotel

Mar. 14 (Wed.) (Free)

Morning: Free discussion
Afternoon: Excursion to Mt.Aso

Mar. 15(Thu.) (Misc. Day)

9:30 -10:20Prof. Winfried Kohnen (Univ. Heidelberg)
Special values of L-series of automorphic forms at the central point
10:40-11:20Prof. Minggao Lu (Shanghai Univ.)
Some applications of sieve method
11:40-12:20Prof. T. Matala-Aho (Univ. of Oulu)
Iterated q-functional equations and irrationality measures
12:20-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-14:40Dr. M. Nagata (RIMS)
On G-functions and approximation
15:00-15:40Prof. Masaaki Amou (Gunma Univ.)
Arithmetical properties of certain q-functions
16:00-16:40Prof. Tianxin Cai (Hang Zhou Univ.)
Congruencials, binomial coefficients and Fermat's last theorem

Parallel Session

17:00-17:40Prof. Ryotaro Okazaki (Doshisha Univ.)
On class number problem and least prime residue
17:00-17:40Prof. K. Alladi (Univ. of Florida)
The Indian mathematical genius Ramanujan - a peek into his magical world of identities (for general audience)

Mar. 16 (Fri.)

9:30-10:20Prof. K. Miyake (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Some aspects on interactions between algebraic number theory and analytic number theory
10:40-11:30Prof. K. Alladi (Univ. of Florida)
Going beyond the (big) theorem of Göllnitz - a breakthrough in the theory of partitions and q-series
11:40-12:00Dr. T. Horie (Suzuka Inst. of Techn.)and Mr. S. Kanou (Nagoya Univ.)
A generalization of the Dedekend eta function
12:20-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-14:40Prof. Kohji Matsumoto (Nagoya Univ.)
Zeta-functions defined by two polynomials
(A joint work with L.Weng)
15:10-15:50Prof. Chaohua Jia (Academica Sinica)
On the distribution of a p modulo one
16:00-16:40Prof. Shigeki Akiyama (Niigata Univ.)
Purely periodic orbits of arithmetic algorithms